Update Your Business Settings

This Doc shows you how to update your business information

  1. On the Home page, click the menu button in the upper left corner to open the sidebar.

  2. On the sidebar, click [Business Settings].

  3. On the Business Settings page, click the [Business] button.

  4. On this page you can edit the information about your business. This info will already be filled out from when you signed up, but if you need to change it you can update the following fields:

    1. Name: The name of your business

    2. Address: The address of your licensed business (the address you use when you send/receive compliant transfers)

    3. City: The city of your licensed business

    4. State: The state of your licensed business (California, since at the moment Higher Origins is only available in California)

    5. Postal Code: The Postal Code/Zip of your licensed business

  5. Please Note: It is best practice to leave this information the same as what is listed on your CA Cannabis license and only change it if your license info has changed.

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