Looking to locate your API key for METRC? Follow these quick steps to find and securely copy your API key for use with Higher Origins.
Where To Find Your API Key
Open METRC in Your Browser: Launch METRC on your preferred browser and log in to your account.
Navigate to API Keys: Navigate to the upper right corner to the dropdown menu, then click [API Keys] to open the API Keys page
Copy Your API Key: Your current API key is displayed here, and can be copy+pasted into Higher Origins to validate your account. *Please Note If you ever click the [Generate] button it will change your key to a new one, meaning that Higher Origins and any other software you use that interacts with METRC will no longer be connected, and you will have to re-enter your newly generated Key to reconnect.

What is an API Key?
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a coding tool that allows pieces of software to talk to each other. Basically, it translates the code, commands, and requests from one software into code that the other software can understand. Therefore, an API key is a password that authorizes one software to talk to another. In the case of METRC, the API key exists so you can control which software sees your track and trace data.
Why Does Higher Origins Need my API Key?
We ask for your key for several reasons:
We use the API Key to verify that you are a licensed California cannabis operator with a valid license. Since the key is a controlled piece of information that only the immediate management of an operation should have, it is a good way to verify that you are legal.
The API key tells us a lot about your business which we can use to tune the platform to your needs. Since Higher Origins has different offerings for different license types, confirming that you own a certain license type allows us to know which version of Higher Origins you need.
We occasionally use your METRC data for analysis. Since we have a lot of API keys from all of our customers, we can use this large scale data to product anonymized insights on trends and events.
While we currently only use METRC for verification, we may build out features in the future that use your METRC data to run useful tools, such as identifying which products you have, alerting you to expiration, and confirming available inventory quantities. If we build these features we will let you know in a change log.